We often see books about gnosis and there is often a forward slash and then the word “Hermeticism” so the word Hermeticism is also a synonym for gnosis. When we look at a hermetic lifestyle for instance it’s referring to a very quiet lifestyle a lifestyle of silence and solitude just like you said Steve about how people would spend years in the silence of deserts and mountain tops fasting and meditating and that this made gnosis very hard work to obtain.
Steve you really have inspired me to create my own YouTube channel in my own native language to sell gnosis to my own community I can’t help but think that’s the reason why I have taken up this life you mentioned how some souls take on very challenging lives to raise the consciousness of planet earth, so once again Steve I can never thank you enough to me you are a saint the potential of lay gnosis really is incredible.
Source would tell me that I have to get good at abstract thinking in order to find new ways to sell gnosis that introductory splash screen idea that you had I will look into that and try and come up with something.
So when people hear the word hermit the first thing that comes to their head is connotations of a quiet and shy person so hermeticism is really referring to a gnostic way of life you mentioned how our deeply materialistic society prevents k rise from happening in most, quiet and shy people are able to bypass this and still experience their own awakening and k rise hence why quiet and shy people are not given any attention in our culture it is not fashionable to be like that it’s not cool it’s not mainstream.
The native American culture was very advanced in the sense that they took dreams very seriously and documented them and they had a culture that was based on superconsciousness and maximum empathy treat others the way you want to be treated etc.
When we look at mindfulness meditation such as mantras and other methods of maintaining mindfulness and raising our vibratory frequency such as burning sage and incense we are able to see our spirits being uplifted a great deal the same goes for when we live and sleep in a very clean and tidy environment.
Very interesting Adam ! What a wonderful Idea ! A native language website ! That would be what language– Arabic ? Today Google can translate any page inside any browser which makes it all very easy. A problem you must deal with is the arabic name of God. Its not ALLAH. Allah is the moon God of ancient peoples. Its hotly debated– you can look this up. Its a contentious issue. Apologists versus Realists demanding evidence. Essentially Islam is a fake religion created decades and hundreds of years after Mohammed.s death. If he ever existed at all. Its a political construct. A political conquest ideology. A very good source of information on this is Pfander Films on Youtube. There is another leading academic Robert Spencer who insists the first 4 Caliphs who allegedly produced the Koran never existed. They are a literary hoax. He challenges anyone to put up the evidence. Robert Spencer is banned everywhere and even locked out of countries, by Globalists setting groups against each other. The Name Mohammed at the dome of the rock, claimed to be about the Islamic leader actually refers to Jesus. Its a Christian Title. LOL. Detailed videos on this.
Adam you don’t need advice on the critical importance of word meanings. You have been trained all your life on that subject.
Can you come up with an arabic word like source ? It’s a word that doesn’t excite peoples forebrains and derail their thinking. Or you might find an Arabic word from Hermeneutics. There is much information on this subject. One is an arabic speaking Christian called if memory serves Christian Prince. Youtube .Very bright fellow. He refutes false arguments very skillfully. Knows the Koran and the bible inside out. Points out the many mistakes in the Koran. YOU will be asked about the Holy Trinity which arabs fervently but mistakenly believe disproves Christianity. Because the plagiarists who created the Koran didn’t understand what the Trinity was in the bible. They mistakenly included Mother Mary in the Trinity. You have to get that under your belt because its a leading objection. Will be thrown at you 10,000 times. Though it has nothing to do with Gnosis. There is something about the names Miriam and Mary people think the names are interchangeable but the two characters lived 1000 yrs apart. The plagiarists goofed up big time there.
Wondrously if you look up Muslim NDEs most meet Jesus. Nobody meets Mohammed. So Mr G is certainly helping. LOL.
All that old fashioned gnostic stuff seeking desert solitude and silence, endless meditation living in caves, is today totally unnecessary. 20 minutes is all it takes with a formal lesson. So exquisitely good fortune has landed in humanity’s lap.
For the first 70 or 80- years mosques from Spain to China did NOT face Mecca. Because Mecca didnt exist on maps till 900 AD. Mosques mostly faced Petra in Jordan That marvellous city carved out of soft rock. It was peopled by Nabateans the first people to speak arabic. They were successful merchants. Who could get anything from anywhere because they had a unique method of featureless desert navigation before Roman roads. They could find their latitude by looking thru a piece of wood and knotted string at stars.. And their longitude they calculated by counting paces not in numbers, but in chanted poems and verses. They didn’t ride camels. They walked leading camels. Counting paces. That’s where arabic chanting comes from. They had star maps in their heads and lat longs of trading places and routes all in their heads. So they were very successful, They prospered. Until the Romans arrived putting roads everywhere making their stupendous nav skills irrelevant. And there was an earthquake that ruined the whole place.
And did you know there were two Korans ? A nice luvvy duvvy Koran written in Mecca (Petra) that didnt work because people already had their own original version religions -he only got 150 converts- so the story goes- he was thrown out – and went to Medina where he had a revelation that to increase membership of his floundering religion he could use decapitations to improve people’s “receptivity”. LOL
And the first luvvy duvvy christian based holy book chapters were combined RANDOMLY with the jihad version and the chapters were deliberately jumbled together to prevent any one figuring out the actual narrative. All done by 702 AD I think that was. First bound Koran. Uthman I think.
Oh and diacriticals were added a century or two later because written arabic wasn’t sufficiently developed during M’s lifetime.
Koran today was only standardised in Egypt in 1924. Many different translations up till then. And today there are I think 26 versions in Islamic bookshops. You need to know this stuff because you will be asked, though its irrelevant to Gnosis.
People will expect you to know this stuff . Pfander films is where this comes from. All very interesting stuff. But you can bypass it all with Layman’s Gnosis in 20 minutes.
And the home page of TBH advises people to continue their religious devotions. That a mentoring voice will correct their misunderstandings of Holy books. As a matter of interest my Fiji Indian wife is a natural born Gnostic who very much enjoys doing Islamic religious devotions. She grew up knowing only the nice luvvy duvvy Meccan Koran. The whole community there does that. She was shocked when she first heard of Jihad and terrorist bombs while living in Sydney. SHE said it wasn’t Islam…… She has slowly realised her idea of Islam is quite different to middle eastern people. She had no idea Mohammed was a General. A warlord. And most muslims I have met never read the Koran. They kiss and revere the book itself, but don’t actually read it. They only listen to Imams on Fridays for their information. Tibetans also revere books regardless of their content.
Did the first 4 Caliphs even exist ?
• The historicity of the first 4 caliphs is seriously in doubt.
• Attempts at getting their story straight have failed.
• Abu Bakr couldn’t have been a caliph as contradictory evidence rules that out.
• Umar’s historicity rests on one rock inscription that could be about anyone of that name.
• Ali was never a caliph and he died 3 years before his reign was meant to have ended.
The good news is that this mess can be completely bypassed by Lay Gnosis in 20 minutes. LOL. Thank Goodness.
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