Julie Green transcript I AM TURNING THE TABLE ON YOUR ENEMIES    Aug 11  22

Searchable transcript for the serious

Thursday, August 11, and Good morning, everybody. Today you can actually see it is Monday, August 8 of 2022. You will see this on that is because I will be in New York for the Reopening awaken America tour. And I want to make sure I got all of these out to you in a timely manner. That’s why I do record before I leave, because I don’t want you guys to miss out on what God already has said to me to give to you. And because processes are being fulfilled so quickly, I don’t want you to go without those while I’m gone. I’ll also be recording for Friday and Monday of next week because I will be traveling home next Monday. So also, if you did miss yesterday, I was preaching at my home church and it was a powerful revelation. Another one with the book of Exodus. So I want you guys to watch it if you have not seen it already. So I will have the link in the description box for you for face family fellowship to see YouTube page and the service yesterday, it was awesome. And thank you to all those who traveled so far away in order to be part of that service yesterday. God bless each and every one of you and thank you all for watching. Now, if you have any prayer requests, please go to our website@jgmnternational.org under our contact page or you can write us at juliegreenministries 1252 Benderfila 52722. Just want to let you guys know, we do have very powerful prayer team here at Julie Green ministries, and we are always here for each and every one of you. All right, here’s the Prophetic word.

I am Turning the Tables on your Enemies.

And this was from August 7 of 2022.

For I the Lord this day am continuing to encourage, enlighten, bring truth and joy to my children, in these days which appear harsh and hostile, unforgiving, brutal, torturing, dark and impossible. That’s what it may appear to be. But my children, if you could see what I see, you’d already be celebrating. You would already be dancing in the streets, shouting and rejoicing for what I’m about to do for you. I am the God of miracles, and I’m going to be pouring them out in such a way man cannot deny who I am, that I am the God of miracles, yes, but a God who doesn’t lie, a God who delivers and sets his children free. I am love. And I am pouring out my love upon this earth to a degree never seen by mankind. It’s time for the fulfillment of my prophet’s words. I sent them here for you, my church, to direct your past, to turn your mourning into joy, to turn defeat into victory, to turn your perspectives in your mind, to see the things that I see, how I see them. This is that time. Stop the worrying. Stop the doubting. My love for you. Stop thinking I can’t or I won’t this time deliver my people. I am a good God and I cannot lie. I have already promised you victory and I have promised your adversaries defeat. This is the time of your enemy’s defeat and of their fall and their demise Saith the Lord of Hosts.

BARDA Mayes this name will be in the news. For an unusual reason. It may appear like Archer this name will be in the news. Hogwash this race will be in the news. Mind control This will also be in the news. All their secrets are about to come out. Extreme things will appear to take place all over the world. Yes, extreme, because judgements are coming to hit your enemies like never before. It will hit them in such a way the world will know that I am God and they are my enemies. Saith the Lord of Hosts. The who? The so called World Health Organization. You scoundrels, deceivers and dogs. I will shred your narrative apart. I had someone in the midst of you, that you had no idea was on my side. I have everything I need against you. Not only will you be defunded, I will shut you all down and close your mouths. And you will pay a high price for the damage you caused all around the world. You are finished and you can’t hide from me. Your time has come to its end Saith the Lord of Hosts. A mass disruption is about to take place to stop your enemy’s next planned attack. My angel armies are everywhere and your enemies haven’t been able to hide anything from me. My hand is moving quickly to dismantle every plan and every weapon against you Saith the Lord. Strategic and planned attacks were coming. You won’t see what they really wanted. Your enemies have come to a place of decision, they thought they would never see. But they are in such a predicament they don’t know how to fix it, or how to get out of it. They can’t. Their time is over and so is this ridiculous excuse of a government. They try to put together a lie to the world, with their so called control that never existed. Things were going how they thought, but failure after failure is hitting them now. Other plans will fail before then.

Barack Hussein Obama. Your shadow government. I am shredding and destroying before you. I am cutting you off. This is not your nation or your world. You do not have it. And you do not have more power than me, the most high God. You are a worm and will try and slither away like one but judgment will hit you in ways your worst nightmares would seem tame compared to this. How dare you steal my nation and trample upon everything that is good and is of me. You will experience a defeat you’ve never known. Embarrassment and shame, but you won’t care. Your heart is as hard as Pharaoh and you will fall like him too. My children who you enslaved, I’m setting them free and there is nothing you or anyone with you that can do anything to stop it. Saith the Lord of Hosts.

Emergency orders will be in your news. The end of the Biden is at hand. Rasmussen This name will be in the news. The truth is coming on. How you lied and tried to hide the real numbers. You made them up and fixed numbers for your narrative. I have proof. And the world will see the real poll numbers. Saith the Lord. Rats will come out of their hiding places and I will reveal to the world who they all are. I am turning the tables on your enemies. Something unforeseen is about to be seen. Saith the Lord of Hosts

Childress This name will be in the news. Senator you know who you are. You lied and tried to hide and I will uncover who you are and what you have done. And your time is coming to an end. You will lose your life for all the atrocities you have committed on this earth and against my nation Sayeth the Lord.

To those who are agnostic those of you who refuse to believe that there is a God, I will show you that I am real and give you a chance to turn from your beliefs. To show you that I am real and I am good and I’m not a version of what you have been told. My hand is moving for you to see that I exist. Not only do I exist but how much I love each and every one of you Sayeth the Lord.

Vertical limits This phrase will be in the news. A drone will be in the news. Another volcanic eruption will get the world’s attention. Things are heating up all over the place to show the world your enemies are finished and things are changing everywhere. I am showing you unusual signs to show you these words are true. I am speaking to get your attention. To save you from the fear your enemies will try to bring on their way out of power and control my children. I have said, I will say again, Let my people go. And nothing will stop these words from coming to pass. Nothing and no one can stop my will from coming to pass. My children watch as religious leaders fall. Yes, the ones who had been serpents deceiving the churches into believing the lies to turn them from me, and what I’m really doing. A shaking has begun in my churches and it will weed out the evil and unbelieving. These are the days of cleansing everywhere including my body. No more time for religion and religious quarreling. No. It’s the truth, not religion, that sets people free. Religion will keep them in another form of captivity. I am overturning the tables and getting the deceivers from out amongst my people. Many people will fall whom you never have expected. It’s time for a great change. Everywhere, my children is coming, so hold on to me in my words. Your victory is on the other side of this silence, and a great silence it will be, and a great shift. So do not fear. I am here for you, sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer.

Julie Commentary And so of course, if you guys don’t know, I do go back over the prophetic word. And especially for those who have questions, please stay until the end so you can see what God is saying about this prophetic word and how he’s giving more enlightenment to us through these words. Now, one of the things that he said is he is talking about religion. Remember in the Bible that Jesus was not on the side of religion. A lot of the times he rebuked the religious leaders. Why? Because just like he said in this word, religion will keep his people or his children in a form of captivity. Religion and religious doctrine is manmade and is a form of the word of God. They take His Word, take his scriptures, twist it and make it really to me its watered down or completely deceptive. There are so many religions out there today on purpose deceiving the masses, deceiving people and who God truly is and what His Word truly is. Satan has gotten into all forms of our walks of life, including churches. He has got people in behind the pulpits to deceive. Why wouldn’t he? That’s what he does. He’s the father of lies. He doesn’t want the truth to be poured out throughout the world. So he sneaks in and has infiltrators even in the body of Christ to have you change, your perspective of what God really is and what he’s promised to do in His Word. Just like when I was talking on Sunday. I do believe that there was so much filth going on in Israel when they were in Exodus and when they were in the wilderness. They had people amongst them that was deceiving them into believing in evil reports, and they fell for it and they ended up walking in the wilderness for 40 years when it only should have taken eleven days and they would have been at the Promised Land. God is telling us what report do we believe? Do we believe his word? Do we believe the prophets? Do we believe what God is saying in this earth today? Or do we believe a religious lie? Do we believe what our enemies are saying and what they say they’re going to do is true? Which report do we believe? Well, I choose to believe God, no matter how I see things, no matter what things look like, no matter what things feel like. God Almighty is truth and he is the Way Maker. Praise the Lord and he is our deliverer. He promises us that. All right, so I’m going to go over this word. Many people will fall whom you never have expected. So in that sentence, that can be people in churches, like pastors and ministers all over the world, who look like they were highly respectable and they were living a life behind closed doors, that was not so. People in our government all around the world, and you guys know that there’s a lot of wolves in sheep’s clothing in many different ways. Actors, actresses, people in business. Of course, like I said, people in our governments. So God is showing these people who have been deceiving the masses. He’s showing them who they really are.

It’s time for a great change everywhere, my children. It’s coming. So hold on to me and my words. Why is he saying for us to hold on? Because it gets darker before the dawning. So things may shake, obviously a lot more than they are now, and they may appear to be worse, but really they’re not, because that is for our victory. He says your victory is on the other side of the silence, and a great silence it shall be. So there is a great silence. So when you see the silence and like I said, I don’t know for sure what all that silence means. In the land of Goshen, there was light when there was darkness in Egypt, and not only was darkness, but it was evil. And if you guys again, you guys will watch Sunday service if you haven’t already, because this is Thursday by now and new time. You watch it. So there was a revelation in that. But yes, Internet and phone is more likely going to be disrupted. But he said, a great silence it will be in a great shift. So the time of this great silence, the great silence is our victory and the enemy’s defeat. So in this great silence, we should be excited. We should be jumping around, dancing for joy, not being in fear, because God said this was going to happen and this was happening for our victory. So do not fear. I am here for you, sayeth the Lord your Redeemer. He said the enemies want to lock us down, and God wanted to lock us in. So in our homes, we would receive the glory of God, and he’s turning off all those distractions all around the world to get you to focus on Him, so you can receive without limitations for what God has for each and every one of you. All right, now here’s another one. And this is one I was just talking about by the religious leaders. My children watch as religious leaders fall, yet the ones who had been serpents deceiving the churches and to believe in the lies that turn them from me, and what or who I really am and what I’m really doing. Read that again. Deceiving the churches into believing the lies that turn them from me, and what I’m really doing. I’ll say that right. A shaking has begun and my churches, in my churches and weed out the evil and unbelieving. These are the days of cleansing everywhere, including my body. No more time for religion and religious quarreling. A lot of people are quarreling or having anger, and they’re getting into strife over religious beliefs. No, it’s the truth, not religion, that sets people free. Religion will keep them in another form of captivity. I’m overturning the tables and getting the deceivers from out amongst my people

Okay, now I’m showing you unusual signs to show you these words are true. I’m speaking to get your attention, to save you from the fear your enemies will try to bring on their way out. So they’re going to try to bring more fear on their way out. You can look at something happened to Pharaoh when he was right before he let God’s people build, which God said he was going to have to do that anyway. But right before he let God’s people go, he did worse things on his way out of enslaving God’s people. He made it harsh for them. He said, I’m speaking to get your attention, to save you from the fear your enemies will try to bring. He said, Try? They’re not going to bring it. They’re going to try to bring it on the way out of power and control my children. I have said, and I will say again, Let my people go. And nothing will stop these words from coming to pass. Nothing and no one can stop my will from coming to pass. Now that’s all in bold. Nothing can stop God’s will from coming to pass. All right, another volcanic eruption. Now gossip and talk about volcanoes, so probably the last year, and we’ve seen a ton of them, and somebody just shared one with me that happened, that was even seen by, I think, a satellite, how big it was, and I have to look it up when I’m doing the Prophecies Fulfilled video where that location is. But another volcanic eruption will get the world’s attention. Things are heating up all over the place to show the world your enemies are finished and things are changing everywhere. So God is giving us signs everywhere, whether it be stuff in the news, whether it be volcanoes, whether it be earthquakes, because he doesn’t do anything without first revealing it to a servants of prophets. So he warns before anything catastrophic, he warns before disaster because he wants his people to be diverted. He wants to completely set you apart, set you away, separate you from that destruction so that you are not taking part in that. A drone will be in the news, and then vertical limits, this phrase will be in the news, and then you talk to people who are agnostic. And of those who don’t know what that word means, agnostic is people who don’t believe that there is a God that exists at all. He said of those who refuse to believe that there is a God. I will show you that I am real and give you a chance to turn from your beliefs, to show you that I am real. But I am good. Not a version of what you have been told. My hand is moving for you to see that I exist. And not only do I exist, but how much I love each and every one of you, say the Lord. So even if there are people out there that don’t believe that there is a God, God loves you anyway. You are his creation. And even though you may not know Him, he knows every hair on your head. Any time you’ve cried, he holds your tears in the palm of his hands, and he wants to know you. And he’s saying he’s going to show people who did not know and truly believe that there was no God, maybe because of what they’ve been told or they just were in a church, and the form of God that they were told or what they saw turned them away from Him. And he’s going to show those people how much he loves them. And then they’ll have a choice. The blindness will be removed, and they’ll have a choice to believe there’s a God, or they can still turn their back. It is their choice. It is their will. God sets before us life and death, blessing and cursing, and we are the ones that have that choice. To believe or not. He can’t force anyone to love Him. All right. Now he’s warning a Senator. He doesn’t say their name, at least not yet. Or maybe he already has. But he says, Senator, you know who you are. You lied and tried to hide. And I will uncover who you are and what you have done. And your time is coming to an end. You will lose your life for the atrocities you have committed on this earth and against my nation, saith the Lord. He has talked about a lot of Senators. This time, he did not give me a specific name, but he will reveal who that person is. But he’s given that person a choice.. He wants those people to not only not to hide, he wants them to repent, but they’re refusing to. So he’s warning them.

All right, Childress. That’s exactly what it sounds like, how it’s spelled. C-H-I-L-D-R-E-S-S. This name will be in the news. This is also in bold. I’m turning the tables on your enemies. Something unforeseen is about to be seen sayeth the Lord of Hosts. Rats will come out of their hiding places, and I will reveal to the world who they are. There’s a lot of people that are wolves in sheep’s clothing. They’re rats. They’re serpents. They’re liars or deceivers. And God talks about them, and he said he’s going to reveal them all.

Rasmussen. This name will be in the news. The truth is coming out on how you lied and tried to hide the real numbers. You made them up in fake numbers for your narrative. I have proof. The world will see the real. Polls say the Lord. We know polls have been distorted, faked so much oppressed and held back and held down, we know that. But God is saying he has the proof of all of it and he even called out which ones. So we’ll see that now. He said emergency orders will be in the news and the end of the Biden is at hand. And this one, he even used Barack’s middle name. Now, I think when I correct my children and I say their first, middle and last name, that is when I got really upset and I was really correcting them from something they have done. This is how I see this, how he used Barack. And then he said, Hussein Obama. This is the first time he’s ever used his full name. When he’s given me his name. Your shadow government, I am shredding and destroying before you. I am cutting you off. This is not your nation or your world. You cannot have it. And you do not have more power than me. The most high God. You are a worm and you will try to slither away like one, but judgment will hit you in the ways your worst nightmares would seem tame compared to this. How dare you steal my nation and trample upon everything that is good? It is of me. You’ll experience a defeat you’ve never known, embarrassment and shame, but you won’t care. Your heart is as hard as Pharaoh and you will fall like him too. My children, who you enslaved, I am setting them free. And there is nothing you or anyone with you that can do anything to stop it. Stay at the Lord of hosts. Remember, God’s been speaking over and over again about these people are just nowaday Pharaohs, and he’s really scolding. And it’s like the voice of justice. That’s what I’m trying to say. When I hear prophetic words and there’s anointing that changes, whether it’s that righteous indignation and correction and justice like this, that judgment is going to come down on someone or it’s compassion. You see me cry a lot. There’s different announcements for different even parts of a prophetic word. And this one was very, very harsh. God is not messing around. Especially when you have people who think that they are God and who think that they can control the world. Now he is just another one of the One World Government people and he has people that are even above him. But he’s made his choices and he’s hard in his heart. And God is saying it’s a sign for his judgment. He’s given them all time to repent every single one of them. He did not want them to do this, just like he didn’t want Pharoh to do it either. But he saw their heart. They were never going to change. Okay?

Strategic and planned attacks were coming. You won’t see what they really wanted. Your enemies have come to a place of decision that they thought they would never be. They are in such a predicament that they don’t know how to fix it or how to get out of it. They can’t they can’t fix what’s going on with them right now. Their time is over. And so is this ridiculous excuse of a government they tried to put together live the world with their so called control that never existed. Things were going on how they thought, but failure after failure is hitting them now, and all their plans will fail before them. So they really thought because they had that inauguration and they had this fake government because they cheated the rightful president out of his position, and they thought they got away with it. No. There’s been a plan in place since the beginning. I know a lot of people say, well, he’s going to run in 2024. You know, he’s saying certain things so your enemies don’t catch on. What’s going on? Things are going on behind the scenes. So just trust God, all right? Mass disruption is about to take place to stop your enemy’s next planet act. The angel armies are everywhere, and your enemies haven’t been able to hide anything from me. Man is moving quickly to dismantle every plan and every weapon against you. Sayeth the Lord. Now, what this means is God knows the end from the beginning. He sees it. He knows it. He knows what our enemies were going to do before they even existed upon the Cert. Yet he saw it, and he already made a way out. And he put people strategically that one prophecy that I love. And he said, I have infiltrated the infiltrators. God already had people in motion. That’s why we should never fear. And then he’s talking about the who. The who? The So called World Health Organization. You scandal receivers and dogs. Yes, he does say names like that because he even does it in the word. I will shred your narrative apart. I had someone in the midst of you that you had no idea was on my side. I have everything I need against you. Not only will you be defunded, I will shut you all down and close your mouth, and you will pay a high price for the damage you have caused all around the world. You are finished, and you can’t hide from me. Your time has come to its end. So we’re going to see the end of the One World Government, the who, the World Health Organization, the IRS, the Federal Reserve, the Wall Street, how it is, the statement how it is. We’re going to see an end to a lot of these things that were strategically planned and put in place to enslave the world. Extreme things will appear to take place all over the world. Yes. Extreme. Because judgments are coming to hit your enemies like never before. It will hit them in such a way the world will know that I am God and they are my enemies, sayeth the Lord of Hosts. Same thing will happen with the Egyptians and the Israelites. There was a distinction. People knew if they were on the side of God or if they were God’s enemies. So he said, that’s happening again. Mind control. This will also be in the news. All their secrets are about to come out. We know. Propaganda. Mind control, all these things. God is going to expose all of this, what they have done and all the way they have done it. And he’s going to expose it all. Now, the reason why I laughed with this when I first said it is because it’s hogwash. The phrases like this when he’s given to me, I had to laugh. But they did get the news. So hogwash. This phrase will be in the news. Archer, this name will be in the news. Bartimaeus, this name will be in the news for an unusual reason. It may appear like it’s a time for the fulfillment of my prophets words. I sent them here for you, my church, to direct your lies, to turn your morning into joy, you defeat into victory. To turn your perspective in your mind. To see things the way I see them. This is that time. Stop the worry, stop the doubting and my love for you. Stop thinking I can’t or I won’t this time deliver my people. I am a good God and I cannot lie. I have already promised you victory. And I have promised your adversary defeat. This is their time of your enemy’s defeat and of their fault and their demise.Sayeth the Lord of Hosts.

For Ill the Lord this day. This is the first paragraph. For I the Lord this day. I’m continuing to encourage, enlighten, bring truth and joy to my children in these days which appear harsh and hostile, unforgiving, brutal, torturing, dark and impossible. That’s what it may appear to be. But my children, if you could see what I see, you would already be celebrating. You would already be dancing in the streets, shouting and rejoicing for what I’m about to do for you. I’m the God of miracles, and I am going to be pouring them out in such a way man cannot deny who I am. That I am that I am the God of miracles, yes. But I am a God who does not lie. I am a God who delivers and sets his children free. I am love. And I am pouring out my love upon this earth to a degree never seen by mankind. So what he’s saying there is if you could just see on the other side of this mountain, or you can see on the other side of all these lies, you would just already be rejoicing and shouting. So we’re going. To pray that way today that you were saying that through the eyes of Christ, the perspective of how God wants us to see these things, how our enemies are already not going to be defeated. They’re already defeated. Jesus already defeated everything they already had planned because he already defeated the one who holds them up. So follow right now in Jesus name. I just looked up every person, the sound of your voice, that they’re being strengthened in the inner man right now. Just like you talked to that man by the pool, Bethesda, and you spoke to his spirit, then you spoke to his soul. You spoke to his body. Father God, we thank you right now that their spirits are getting up. Their souls are getting up. Their bodies are getting up. I thank You, Father God, that they are in the army of the Lord, but they see themselves as a heavy armed soldier. They see themselves with victory. They see themselves the eyes of victory to the eyes of Christ and what Christ has already done. I command that spirit of defeat and worthlessness and heaviness to come off the children of Almighty God right now. Satan, take your hands off God’s property. They are not defeated. You are. You are a liar and you are a deceiver. And I thank You, Father God, right now that the truth is setting the captive free. The truth is setting your children free from what is about to take place on this earth. And I thank You, Father God that they see themselves how you see them through the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and what he’s already done for us. And we thank you for all your goodness. We thank you for all the victories. We thank You, Father God that you are about to change everything that we see upon this earth. In Jesus name. Amen and amen. Well, I hope us encourage you today. Please, like subscribe and share and give this everyone you know who needs your encouraging words, who needs the truth? Because the truth sets you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day. Bye.

After word As a gnosis teacher I have followed Julie Greens messages for almost a year.

After following Julie’s divine messages for nearly a year I am pleased to report that God is gradually steering the remnant away from the great religions. I am very pleased to hear the bible says religions are another form of captivity. That Jesus was loudly opposed to Manmade religions.

So what is the future for religious people ?

The remnant is divided up into 2 groups. Majority just believe and suffer internal silence. And a smaller group that is gnostic meaning they know the holy spirit via an old fashioned link, equivalent to the old 56 K internet lines we endured in the beginning. Its a Low Res connection. For years I asked Christians who know the spirit, what was their internal experience ?

They definitely get NO physical signals. They don’t even have an internal mentoring voice. Julie insists it’s NOT an audible voice. Its a kind of difficult contention between 2 minds. A kind of arduous difficult stressful Telepathy. That’s my word choice. Not hers. Julie’s command of English is imperfect, BUT I have not encountered a christian who can describe very basic Gnosis (knowing the spirit) any better than Julie. Years ago I put that down to a lack of a common vocabulary. So I provided a vocabulary in a 20 minute lesson so people could chat about their internal experiences with ease. Bible and its questionable proponents have always forbidden any kind of dabbling in psychic things like fortune telling, mediumship, Remote viewing, etc. Even ardent Christians complain that Christianity puts its believers in a strait jacket, so they never discover what they really are. The completely natural experience Kundalini rise is never mentioned among Christians. Because its heresy.

Anyway today, in this pivotal year 2022 the rules have changed. And God is saying here today that religions are an impediment to be discarded.

So what’s left for God fearing obedient Christians ?

Answer God Provides in these modern times Laymans Gnosis. Its a broadband connection to God.

20 mins lesson is all that is needed to trigger a state of Laymans Gnosis. Regardless of your beliefs. No faith or devotion is needed. No Holy books. It works on everybody because its completely natural. NOT a religious event. Tested and proven in 10 countries over 15 years.

The advice is to do the non-disruptive BEGINNERS TOUR, do your daily homework about (5 mins) And you will get results very soon. And you are also advised to carry on all of your normal self improvement activities you are accustomed to. Meditation, yoga, Holy books, religious activities, watching sport, reading, listening to music, etc.

And here below is how to do this God Provided Laymans Gnosis for modern times. Its a modern day gift from God never mentioned before. God is allowed to keep secret gifts from you until its the right time in his judgement. Hope you are OK with that, dear reader.

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